Please check out Crescent House for more pictures of the mail-art meeting of April 16th at the Independent Arts Festival in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium.
received from maria wosik for the add &return mail art project "DON'T WRONG HUMAN RIGHTS" posted by frips
Thursday, April 21, 2005
4 photocollages (barcelona, the path of peace) received from anne-miek bibbe posted by frips
inside documentation booklet "INK CASTLES" from alain valet posted by frips
beautiful documentation booklet "INK CASTLES" from alain valet (cover) posted by frips
received from alain valet, postcard, mixed media posted by frips
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
digital card received from mick boyle posted by frips
Monday, April 18, 2005
the independent arts festival was a great succes-photos will be posted at the crescenthouse blog later on-don't miss them !!! posted by frips
spagetti received from tiziana baracchi at the 17 th independent arts festival yesterday posted by frips
decorated envelop from valérie menezes scornaienchi posted by frips
received for the "NO MEAT TODAY" mailart call from valérie menezes scornaienchi (big postcard, mixed technique) posted by frips
from pascale vervenne, documentation booklet with addresses for "the big stranger" call posted by frips
envelop with stamps from pascal lenoir posted by frips
received from pascal lenoir, number 3 "le tamponneur universel" (frontpage) posted by frips
Friday, April 15, 2005
tomorrow is the 17th INDEPENDENT ARTSFESTIVAL with MAILART MEETINGS & much more (street art,small press,comics, video, music ...)- see website Sztuka Fabryka for more info Posted by MaCo