Tuesday, March 30, 2010
AR[t]CEVIA International Art Festival
"Un Intero Museo su una parete"
AR [t] CEVIA International Art Festival
"An entire museum on a wall"
Is organizing an exhibition of the microformat
paintings and photography
Format: 4x5 cm, 5x5, 5x6,6x6, 5x7, you can send even small oval or round which must not exceed the maximum dimensions given.
The works can be both vertically and horizontally,
The works must be mounted on the frame and unframed.
In case of difficulty in finding a chassis can be mounted on a small piece of wood or other material thickness of about cm1, 5 in each case the support should be strictly the measures indicated.
for sculptures or microinstallazioni
measures should be contained to the maximum extent of 7x7x7 cm
is studying the idea of having even the micro video.
All works will be exhibited and included in our website
Will be produced a brochure that reflects the name of the artists exhibiting.
Currently there is no catalog.
The exhibition will be publicized both within the festival is as shown independently.
Insert into envelope full name, mailing address and e-mail
The works are traveling at the expense of the artist and must be received at
Massimo Nicotra
PO Box 60
60011 Arcevia (An)
Entries can be sent from now until no later than April 30.
The dream would be to create a large (small) portable touring shows why every artist can give the work (not mandatory). Works not donated will be returned to the artist.
For more information please contact me by email at.
AR[t]CEVIA International Art Festival
"Un Intero Museo su una parete"
Si sta organizzando una mostra del microformato
opere pittoriche e fotografia
formato: cm 4x5; 5x5; 5x6; 6x6 5x7 , è possibile inviare anche piccoli ovali o tondi che non devono superate le misure massime date.
Le opere possono essere sia in verticale che orizzontale,
Le opere devono essere montate su telaio e prive di cornice.
In caso di difficoltà a reperire un telaio, si possono montare su un piccolo pezzo di legno o altro materiale dello spessore di circa cm1,5 in ogni caso il supporto deve essere tassativamente delle misure indicate.
per sculture o microinstallazioni
le misure devono essere contenute nella misura massima di cm 7x7x7
si sta studiando l'idea di inserire anche dei micro video.
Tutte le opere saranno esposte e inserite nel nostro sito
Sarà prodotto un pieghevole che riporterà il nome degli artisti che espongono.
Per ora non è previsto un catalogo.
La mostra sarà pubblicizzata sia all'interno del festival sia come mostra indipendente.
Per gli artisti che partecipano alla mostra collettiva (solo su selezione) l’ideale sarebbe riprodurre in piccolo quanto proposto nel grande formato.
Inserire nel plico nome, cognome, recapito postale e indirizzo di E-mail
Le opere viaggiano a spese dell’artista e devono pervenire all’indirizzo
Massimo Nicotra
casella postale 60
60011 Arcevia (An)
le opere possono essere inviate da oggi fino al e non oltre il 30 aprile.
Il sogno sarebbe quello di creare una grande (piccola) mostra portatile itinerante motivo per il quale ogni artista può donare l’opera (non è obbligatorio). Le opere non donate saranno restituite all’artista.
Per altre informazioni contattatemi con mail all’indirizzo.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mail Art Call/Thomai Kontou
Human, Colours, Music
International MAIL ART Exhibition in Athens
21-28 June 2010
On the occasion of the slogan “Donate a chance at life” of the Hellenic Society of Haematology, we are organizing a Mail Art exhibition in Athens, Greece and we are inviting artists from all over the world to participate and donate, with their work, the blood of life for their fellow-man.
Title: Human, Colours, Music
Technique: free.
Format: painting, drawing, print, collage, Envelopes, Postcards, Artistamps, small sculptures, ceramics (without frame or glass)
(Only original works will be accepted, photocopies or e-mails of works will not be accepted)
Size: post card (10x15 cm), ex libris, A4 (19x21 cm), 3d.
All works must be sending by post with postage stamps.
Works will not be returned, they will all be exhibited.
All proceeds will be donated to the Hellenic Society of Haematology (www.eae.gr/new/index.asp) and will be auctioned by it for its purposes.
The exhibition will be held in Syntagma Square in Athens from the 21st until the 28th of June 2010.
21-28 June is the European Week Against Leukemia and Lymphoma.
21 June is observed as World Music Day
The exhibition will also be presented in Thessaloniki on November 10th 2010 at Vellideio Cultural Centre, from the same organizers.
Artists who wish to take part in this exhibition as well should send their works until September 10th 2010. If you send your works for both exhibitions please note which one is for each exhibition.
Catalogue will be sent to everyone by the Hellenic Society of Haematology.
Online catalogue on the website:
-Main Organisation:
-Hellenic Society of Haematology www.eae.gr/new/index.asp
-Under the auspices of the:
-José Carreras Friends Association of Greece-Fight against Leukemia (www.carreras-gr.blogspot.com and the
-Gina Bachauer International Music Association (www.bachauer.org)
-Exhibition coordinator - Curator: Thomai Kontou
-Special Music Consultant: Constantine P. Carambelas-Sgourdas
Deadline to be received: May 30, 2010
Works can be sent to:
Thomai Kontou
Xanthou 9,
40200 Elassona,
e-mail: thomaikontou@gmail.com
Please do not forget to note your address and e-mail.
Any artist is welcome to paint on music paper if they wish to. Examples of music paper can be found at the following website: www.dolmetsch.com/
The exhibition will form part of the events presented in Athens during the annual World Music Day (June, 21).
Monday, March 22, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mail-Art-Projekt der TUFA Trier Kunst auf dem Postweg
Mail-Art-Projekt der TUFA Trier
Kunst auf dem Postweg
Mail-Art-Projekt der Tufa Trier zu ihrem 25. Geburtstag
2010 feiert das Kulturzentrum der Stadt Trier, die Tuchfabrik (kurz TUFA genannt), ihr 25-jähriges Bestehen.
In ihrem früheren Leben war die TUFA eine Tuchfabrik, es entstanden Stoffe. Heute ist die TUFA ein Kulturzentrum, es entsteht Kulturgut in den Bereichen Theater, Musik, Kunst, Tanz, Literatur etc. Die TUFA hat wunderschöne Ausstellungsräume, in denen wir eine Jubiläumsausstellung zeigen möchten. Ihr könnt mitmachen und dabei sein.
Künstler, Maler, Grafiker, Zeichner, Fotokünstler, Poeten und die, die es sein und werden wollen, aus Trier, aus den Partnerstädten, den befreundeten Städten, aus der ganzen Welt: SCHICKT UNS POST!
Schickt und schenkt uns eine Künstlerpostkarte zum Thema TUFA, zum Thema Kulturzentrum, zum Thema Tuch (Stoff) und/oder zu unserem Geburtstag.
Alle Formate, die von der Post befördert werden, sind erlaubt.
Die originalen, handgefertigten, handsignierten und freigemachten Künstlerpostkarten, die den Weg bis zum 30. Juni 2010 per Post (nicht per e-mail) in die TUFA Trier finden, finden einen Platz in der Ausstellung im Herbst 2010. Karten, die bis zum 30. Juni 2010 eingehen, werden auch in einem Katalog veröffentlicht. Spätere Einsendungen könne hierbei nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden. Die Postkarten werden im Internet abgebildet .
Was passiert mit den Künstlerpostkarten nach Ende der Ausstellung?
Wir möchten die Karten aufbewahren, vielleicht in der ein- oder anderen Partnerstadt ausstellen oder sie für einen guten Zweck versteigern.
Schickt die Künstlerpostkarte an:
TUFA Trier
Wechselstraße 4-6
54290 Trier
Deutschland/ Germany
Vergesst Euren Absender nicht, oder eine e-mail Adresse. Vielleicht bekommt ihr ja auch Post von uns.
Das Kunstgremium der TUFA:
Rainer Breuer, Martina Diederich, Herbert Lauer, Gabriele Lohberg.
Mit der Teilnahme an dem Mail-Art-Projekt treten die Künstler die Abbildungsrechte im Rahmen der Ausstellung für Katalog und Werbeplakat in Print- und Internetmedien an die TUFA honorarfrei ab.
Hello, and a warm welcome to the Mail Art Project of the TUFA in Trier.
Art by post!
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the TUFA in Trier with the Mail Art Project!
In 2010 the Arts Centre of the City of Trier, the cloth factory (locally known as the Tuchfabrik, abbreviated to TUFA,) will celebrate its 25th anniversary.
Earlier the TUFA was indeed a cloth mill, producing cloth.
Now the TUFA is an arts centre, producing cultural assets with theatre, music, art, dance, literature etc.
The TUFA has excellent exhibition rooms in which we would like to feature a jubilee display. You can join in!
Artists, painters, graphic artists, photographers, poets and those who would like to be, coming from Trier and its partner towns throughout the world: LET'S HEAR FROM YOU BY POST!
Please send us an artistic postcard on the theme of TUFA the Arts Centre, on the subject of cloth and/or celebrating our birthday.
Any format that reaches us by post will be admitted.
All original work signed and stamped reaching us by 31th May 2010 (no emails please) will be included in the autumn 2010 exhibition. Your postcards will be uploaded onto the internet and we hope to create an exhibition catalogue there.
What will happen to the postcards after the exhibition?
We would like to take care of the cards, perhaps to exhibit them in one or several partner towns, or auction them for charitable causes.
Send your postcards to:
TUFA Trier
Wechselstrasse 4-6
54290 Trier
Don't forget to include your address or email address. You may well hear back from us by post!
The TUFA Arts Committee persons:
Rainer Breuer, Martina Diedrich, Herbert Lauer, Gabriele Lohberg.
By participation in the Mail-Art-Projekt, artists cede ownership rights free of charge to the TUFA within the framework of its catalogue and poster print and internet media.
Our project is still in its infancy and lots more remains to be said by way of introduction, so we have no more info as yet.
This will change in the coming weeks, as soon as for example, we can give you the exact date of the exhibition, when we receive the first postcards and answer any questions that you may have etc.
We invite you above all to send in plenty of creative input (artistic postcards), which we would like to exhibit as creatively as possible.
Have fun!
From the TUFA Arts Committee.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

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