Sunday, September 26, 2010

William Philyaw

William Philyaw, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

William Philyaw

William Philyaw, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Nico Van Hoorn

Nico Van Hoorn, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Claudio Romeo

Claudio Romeo, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

add & pass a4sheet

add & pass a4sheet, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

add & pass a4sheet

add & pass a4sheet, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

add & pass a4sheet

add & pass a4sheet, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

add & pass a4sheet

add & pass a4sheet, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

add & pass a4sheet

add & pass a4sheet, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mail art call/Claudia Ligorria

One and only one set and choose where to belong. Where he expresses his wishes, his family or weapon projects.
So we always have "our place in the World, by choice or fate or whoever that knows things, we were up there. Wherever we say "this is my place in the world"
How, why and what's yours? Compartámoslo.

Technique: Free
Format: Mail Art - Maximum A4

Deadline: October 31, 2010.

Send to:
Claudia Ligorria / Mail Art
Constitution 1742 PB "A"
(CP 1646) San Fernando
Provincia de Buenos Aires

Are discussed in this Blog.
Sharing my place in the world with all participants, will be an exhibition of all work in my beloved San Fernando in "plural" - San Fernando.

There will be a 2 nd exhibition of works in a room located in the City of Buenos Aires on a date to be determined.
And which are invited.
Documentation will be sent to all participants.
From already thank you very much for participating, I hope your shipments.
A hug from my place in the world, San Fernando, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.

Claudia Ligorria

Sunday, September 19, 2010

David Berube

David Berube, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.


dosankodebbie, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Grigori Antonini

Grigori Antonini, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Test Tower/ HeebeeJeebeeland

Test Tower/ HeebeeJeebeeland, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Kiera Pannell

Kiera Pannell, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


100909, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.


100910, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Herman Kamphuis

Herman Kamphuis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Herman Kamphuis

Herman Kamphuis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Herman Kamphuis

Herman Kamphuis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Herman Kamphuis

Herman Kamphuis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Herman Kamphuis

Herman Kamphuis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Herman Kamphuis

Herman Kamphuis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Herman Kamphuis

Herman Kamphuis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Herman Kamphuis

Herman Kamphuis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Ross Priddle

Ross Priddle, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Mike Dickau

Mike Dickau, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Mike Dickau

Mike Dickau, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Angela Behrendt

Angela Behrendt, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Orlande Nelson Pacheco Acuna

Orlande Nelson Pacheco Acuna, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Orlande Nelson Pacheco Acuna

Orlande Nelson Pacheco Acuna, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

José Roberto Secchi/Pense Aqui

Ficus Strangulensis

Ficus Strangulensis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Ficus Strangulensis

Ficus Strangulensis, originally uploaded by fripsflickr.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Mail art call/E.ART

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MAIL ART Giardino globale: “Il verde nel mondo contemporaneo”.

Associazione Culturale


Civitanova Marche - (MC) / ITALIA


Giardino globale: “Il verde nel mondo contemporaneo”. 

 Rivolto a 80 paesi Europei ed Internazionali.
 È vero che il realismo non va più di moda? È pur vero che il realismo non ha nulla a che fare con l’imitazione del reale, se diviene una reinterpretazione personale di ciò che si vede, ma serve a tutelare il valore del patrimonio naturale che l’uomo non smette di violentar.
Il giardino rivela la propria personalità, arte e natura appartengono all’uomo da sempre e sono le sue stesse radici, la natura più intima di ognuno di noi.
I giardini nel corso dei secoli sono stati il vanto dell’umanità quasi un biglietto da visita, dove si sono intrecciati intrighi politici, e storie d’amore senza tempo.
Nell’immaginario collettivo quando parliamo di giardino la nostra mente ci porta in un luogo con abbondante vegetazione lussureggiante dalla terra fertile e gioiosa.
Il giardino globale, infine, ci porta con il pensiero a mimetizzare l’impatto ambientale in modo superficiale di fronte al cambiamento climatico. Il verde abbraccia la terra, fino ad oggi ci ha tutelato, producendo cibo e procurandoci l’ombra.
Dobbiamo conoscere, comprendere e rispettare il ruolo dei giardini nella storia umana per continuare ad avere il verde che ci protegge.
Tiziana Todi
(Galleria “Vittoria” - Roma)
* L’artista non deve versare nessuna quote di partecipazione
**: (scadenza: 31 dicembre 2010)
(da inserire tutto sul lato frontale della busta)
-Riguarda la realizzazione di una busta (o di più buste)
-dimensione cm. 24 x 18
-Tecnica libera
-Pittura sulla facciata della busta.
*Terminato il lavoro artistico, si inserisce:
- Mittente:  …………………………………………………………
- Destinatario: Associazione Culturale “E.ART” Via ……
- Il francobollo e l’Annullo Postale. / Grazie
>>> Per esempio vedere il sito:
> Vi chiediamo cortesemente di inserire all’interno della busta:
-l’e-mail, -dati personali, -eventuale biografia e note artistiche.
> La busta realizzata (Giardino globale: “Il verde nel mondo contemporaneo”) viene inviata con posta regolare.
(alcuni artisti inseriscono la busta realizzata completa di indirizzo, del francobollo e annullo postale in un’altra busta e inviata per avere la certezza che arrivi a destinazione).
Le buste realizzate verranno conservate come patrimonio dell’Associazione “E.ART” e successivamente secondo le varie manifestazioni in corso verranno esposte in Gallerie d’Arte e Musei, di Roma, Bologna, Francia ecc..
Per diffondere questo tipo di corrente artistica e far conoscere gli autori.
La Manifestazione si svolgerà a Civitanova Marche (MC) nello Spazio Artistico della Associazione Culturale “E.ART” e la mostra verrà inaugurata domenica 10 aprile 2011 alle ore 18.00 e proseguirà fino a domenica 29 maggio 2011.
La mostra sarà organizzata dall’Associazione “E.ART” in collaborazione con la Galleria Vittoria di Roma, con il Circolo SpazioArte di L’ Aquila, con la rivista Abruzzo AZ 60, Mailartmeeting Archives - c/o Anna Boschi di Bologna, Anna Raccuja di Perugia, giornalista-pubblicitaria G.U.S. Consiglio Direttivo Stampa Romana, Socio Fondatore U.G.E.F.-Roma e il giornalista Vittorio
De Seriis, Civitanova Marche (MC).
Un Grazie a tutti i partecipanti.
Eufrasia Cordone
(Presidente Associazione “E.ART”)
Associazione Culturale “E.ART”
Via Castelfidardo, 72
62012 Civitanova Marche (MC)
Tel.: +39 / 0733-817194
Cell.: +39 / 393-5134305
dal mercoledi alla domenica
dalle 17.30 alle 20.30
venerdì e sabato
dalle 21.45 alle 00.45
fuori orario solo per appuntamento
Cultural Association

“ E.ART “

Civitanova Marche - (MC) / Italy
Global garden: “The green in the contemporary world”.
It is I turn over to 80 European and International countries.
Is it true that the realism is no longer fashionable? It is also true that the realism has nothing to
do with the imitation of the reality, if it becomes a personal re-interpretation of what anyone can
see, but it is necessary to protect the value of the natural patrimony that the man does not stop
to violate.
The garden reveals its own personality, art and nature has belong to humankind since ever and
they are our own roots, the most intimate nature of each of us.
Garden have been, throughout the centuries, a pride of civilizations, almost a kind of visit card,
where political intrigues and timeless love stories intertwined.
In the common imagination, when we talk about gardens, our mind leads us to a place with
abundant and rich vegetation given by the fertile and joyful earth.
The global garden, at the end, leads us to camouflage the environmental impact in a superficial
way while we are facing the climatic change. The green embraces the earth, it has been protecting
us, producing food and giving us shelter.
We must know, comprehend and respect the role of gardens in the human history in order to keep
the green that protects us.
Tiziana Todi
(”Victoria” Gallery - Roma)
>> (deadline: 31-decembre -2010)
> To insert kindly on the frontal side of the envelope <
>It regards the realization of an envelope (or more envelopes)
-the dimensions cm. 24 x 18
-paint- on the facade of the envelope.
(the surface to be painted on)
>Finished the artistic job, one joins:
-Sender : ………………………………………………………………………………..
-Adressee-where it is sent: Cultural Association “E.ART”……….
-the stamp and the postal cancellation. / Thanks
>>> For example you see the site:
>We kindly ask you to write us inside the envelope:
-your e-mail address, -your personal data,
-eventually your biography and artistic informations.
>The realized envelope (art of the mail: the sport and the art)
are sent with regular mail.
(the artists generally insert the realized envelope complete
of addresses, of the cancellation-postal stamp/within an other envelope
and she is sent for having the certainty that arrives to the destination.)
The realized envelopes will be conserved as patrimony of Association “E.ART”
and successively second the several manifestations in course will be exposed
in Galleries of Art and Museums, of Rome, Bologna, France etc.
In order to disseminate this type of artistic current and to introduce the authors.
The event will start on april, 10th 2011 in the art gallery of the Association “E.ART”
in Civitanova Marche (MC), Italy. The inauguration will be at h6:00pm and the event
will continue until may, 29nd 2011.
The event will be organized by Association “E.ART” in collaboration with the “Victoria
Gallery” of Rome, with the “SpazioArte” Circle of the Aquila, with the magazine
“Abruzzo AZ 60”,“Mailartmeeting Archives” - c/o Anna Boschi of Bologna, Anna Raccuja
of Perugia, journalist-advertising G.U.S. Directive Council She prints Roman, Founding
Associate U.G.E.F. - Rome and journalist Vittorio De Seriis, Civitanova Marche (MC).
We wish to Thank a lot everyone that will participate.
Eufrasia Cordone
(President of Association “E.ART”)
Send the works to :
Cultural Association “E.ART”
Via Castelfidardo, 72
62012 - Civitanova Marche
(MC) - Italy
Telefone: +39 / 0733-817194
Cellular: +39 / 393-5134305
from the Wednesday to Sunday
from the 17,30 to the 20.30

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