Hi, it seems that mai p.c. for croxhapox project didn't rich you after all. I made a scanner copy of it and i posted on our site just before sending it to you... feel free to get the copy from mojaro.blogspot.com it\s a pitty that the original got lost. Teo my last 3 p.c. from Japan got lost as well... and i have a picture only of the last one... as more experimental one gets, as more postmachine tends not to deliver the objects!!! Mail art is quite a risky bussines!
teo, your card has arrived, but we are posting all the mail for the "what about croxhapox? "mailart call on a blogspot: www.whataboutcroxhapox.blogspot.com
Hi, it seems that mai p.c. for croxhapox project didn't rich you after all. I made a scanner copy of it and i posted on our site just before sending it to you...
feel free to get the copy from mojaro.blogspot.com
it\s a pitty that the original got lost.
my last 3 p.c. from Japan got lost as well... and i have a picture only of the last one...
as more experimental one gets, as more postmachine tends not to deliver the objects!!!
Mail art is quite a risky bussines!
teo, your card has arrived, but we are posting all the mail for the "what about croxhapox? "mailart call on a blogspot: www.whataboutcroxhapox.blogspot.com
thank you !
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